Arul Malar Matric. Hr. Sec. School – Madurai



“LOVE AND SACRIFICE” Our school was begun with this motto on 1974, and named as Arul Malar School under the patronage of st….. . Because this saint in known for the simplicity of loving and serving the least in the community. similarly we would like to serve the simple people in the society. The simple beginning was later raised to a level of matriculation school in 1987. the performance and the quality of our hard work raised the to a higher level of education in 1990 and the school was upgraded to a higher secondary. basically the school was begun and run by the congregation of FRANCISICAN SISTERS of the IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY. the congregation was founded by foreign missionary Rev. FR. LOUIS SAVENIEN DUPUIS. MEP, whose vision of importing knowledge came true through this and various other educational institutions. the congregation headquarters is located in Pondicherry.

Our founder Rev. FR. LOUIS SAVENIEN DUPUIS. MEP, was a great missionary also he was a visionary who had lots of vision, especially in the field of education. He, himself as a first men carried it on his shoulders and later handed this great task to the sisters who are faithfully caring it out till today. he was not only worried about the intellect but also spiritual, moral, physical (health), cultural and other fields as well. in way he wanted the growth of whole being and not human being in parts. specially in imparting the values and dignity of human persons. therefore today we the sisters have taken up the work and trying our best in our educational institutions also through other services. during his time he was an ambassador of peace and wished to sow the values of love, justice and brotherhood. today our congregation is working in a deeper way to promote and to challenge the world through our educational institutions.

Finally His vision of mission was to expel the darkness of ignorance from the society with the light of education. His dream is alive and active everyday by our way of life. the congregation has established many schools, colleges and dispensaries to uplift the poor & needy. among those institution our school becomes a mile stone and corner stone in many of our students life.

Correspondent & Principal – Sr. Margaret
Est: 02.08.1974
Teaching Staff: 40
Non Teaching Staff : 13
Student Strength: Boys : 341 Girls :290
Recognition No: 137-00960-515
Total Area: 30,001 Sq.ft.
Building Area: 12,260 Sq.ft.
Play Ground : 17,741 Sq.ft.
Fire Extinguisher: 4 DCP Extinguisher
  • 2COWater type Extinguisher
Transport – one Van

Our school was inaugurated on 02.08.1974, from then on it has journeyed and grown to this level today. from the beginning there were many, who has contributed for the growth specially the creative and the innovative ideas of the principal and her team. above all it is the blessings and the grace of the Almighty. we believe that his Omnipotent presence is with us always. the school growth was slow and steadily also gradual growth has increased the strength of staff and the students. we have students from nearby areas and othakadai. the students mainly, selected our school because of disciplined education system. the parents appreciate our way of approach and the moral teachings. therefore they want to bring their children to our school. also there are several reason which makes the parents to love our school like infrastructure facilities, the sincere and genuine effects of the sisters and staff. Mostly poor and middle class students are getting education in Arul Malar. it is because of the following reason,

  1. Very moderate fee is collected
  2. No extra tuition fee is collected
  3. Free education / concession is given if 2 or 3 children are studying in the school
  4. Rule to pay the fee is not rigid it is very flexible
  5. Extra care is taken for poor learners and below average students.(for poor and average learners – you can add this way too)
  6. Extra tests and care is given to the bright students
  7. Morning classes for X std & XII std from 7.30 to 8.30 being conducted from June onwards.
  8. Each day the subject and the relevant teacher / or particular subject teacher will he taking care of their students.
  9. Students are taken care by the sisters along with principal before 7.30 and 5.30 P.M for the evening study.
  10. Moral lessons are taken for all students and catechism class for Christian students is held between 9.00 to 9.30 A.M every day.
  11. Every morning teachers’ prayer is held between 8.30 to 8.45 A.M
  12. First Friday of the month “Sacred Heart of Jesus” prayer is conducted in the assembly.
  13. First Friday of every month – Holy Mass is celebrated for the catholic students and teachers. On regular basis the students and the teachers arrange for the mass creatively.
  • Every Monday – flag hoisting – by teachers in rotation
  • Every teacher is given an opportunity to share the thought for the day on weekly basis
  • Relevant class students will be reading the verses from the bible, today’s news, Thirukural, Facts and individual talents will be exhibited.
Class Rooms:
  • Each class is having two sections, they are classified as A & B and in each section we have around 30 to 35 students.
  • We have divided the hours into 40 minutes of duration for each subject or languages
  • Class teachers will be guiding and motivating the students all the times specially in difficult situation and counselling given to the needed students by senior teachers and by sisters.
  • Smart board for each classroom is fixed. Nearly 25 Smart Boards were fixed. The teacher and students are benefited.
  • A knowledge centre is equipped with the latest technology, computers with qualified staff to monitor and to help the students.
  • Air-Conditioned computer lab with more than 24 computers for the students and for the staffs.
  • Three individual Lab for chemistry, Physics and Biology equipped with necessary equipments and instruments
  • Experienced staff to attend the lab and to handle the equipments
  • Separate TOILETS for Boys and Girls and for male and female staffs.
  • More than 20 toilets for the students with full water supply in the toilets
  • Drinking water, School has Madurai Corporation water and water purifier in the school
  • Our School has YSM, Scout, ECO Club, Red Ribbon Club and Aids Awareness programme.
  • Literature Association for languages English, Tamil & Hindi
  • Science Club and Art Club activities are followed
Religion & National Day Celebrations:
  • Independence day, Republic Day will be celebrated
  • Deepavali, Christmas will be celebrated before one or two days itself
  • Children’s day, Teachers day will be celebrated in grand manner
  • On teacher’s day students give gifts to the teacher and colourful programme performed by the students to encourage them.
  • On the children’s day the teachers take lots of initiative to make the students happy. specially on this day teachers give gifts and sweets to the students and finally the day is concluded with a colourful programme by teachers.
  • Our teachers are with very good experience and commitment.
  • We have enough and more experienced staff who are really rendering their service in our school. some teachers are with 25 years experience contributing a lot for the growth of our school.
  • Our teachers have got through their TET Exam, scored good marks and got the Government Job.
  • Only in Arul Malar, we have teachers with 10 years, 15 years and 20 years of experience are working.
  • We conduct adoration and prayer services for the welfare of those students who are appearing for the state examination. we provide ample of time for STD XII & X- students to pray for the grace and blessings of the lore to guide and guard them and specially to do the exam in a well manner.
  • Sisters and teachers pray during the adoration time, irrespective of religion.
  • XI Std common Annual Exam is usually held in our school for two of our neighbouring schools too.
  • Our school has a very big auditorium, which is constructed just before 5 years. It can accommodate more than 500 students.
  • Our school office is equipped with new updates according to the requirements of the government and also it is fully furnished with hi-brid computers and Xerox machine.
  • We have newly installed 7 CCT Cameras in our campus, order to have a preventive system of protection of everybody and everything. also this is done as per the government new and updated requirement.
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