Arul Malar Matric. Hr. Sec. School – Madurai



Daily 8.30 a.m to 1.00 p.m. 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. [Except on Sundays and Holidays]

Parents and guardians will not be permitted to meet any teacher or visit class rooms or staff room during school hours.

Enquiries of all kinds may be made at the school office.

The Principal may be called on in working days between 10.00 a.m and 12.00 noon.


School buses are provided to pick up boys and girls from K.G. to XII. The students who come by school bus will have to pay bus fare in one installment.

                Parents are responsible to reach the children to the particular bus stops in the morning and take them from there in the evening.

                Students who come by school bus are to be instructed by their parents not to leave the school by any other means without informing the school authorities.


“Be always in time, To be late is a crime”.

  1. Students who absent themselves for five or more days without getting permission are liable to get suspended from school.
  2. Names of habitual latecomers will be removed from the school register.
  3. Students without adequate attendance will be stopped from appearing for the promotion examination.
  4. The punctual return of students from home after the holidays is strongly insisted upon. Nobody will be allowed extension of holidays without medical certificate
  • All students and staff are members of the Library.
  • Students are allowed to borrow one book at a time and retain it for a period of one week. The Librarian may call for a book borrowed by any member even before the expiry or the normal period of a week. Reference books cannot be taken out of the library. Borrowers are requested to examine the books at the time of borrowing and report to the librarian any damage, loss of pages, pictures etc.
  • Borrowers shall not pass on the books to others.
  • Books borrowed shall be kept neatly. No marking, underlining or damage to the book is allowed.
  • Books, which are lost, damaged or wrongly handled, will have to be paid or replaced. The decision of the Principal in this matter will be final.
  • Strict silence should be observed in the Library.
  • Action springs not from thought but from a readiness for responsibility.

    1. Leaders must be, as far as possible, exemplary in conduct and industrious in their studies.
    2. They must be able to command respect.
    3. They are employed for all assistance in maintaining discipline, collecting or distributing books, attending to cleanliness and neatness of the classroom, bringing charts, maps etc.
    4. Once in a month a meeting of leaders is held where methods and means are discussed and adopted to improve discipline and redressing grievances.It is incumbent on all leaders to report to the Principal or class teacher any breach of discipline noticed even during break time.
    1. In the event of the teacher being absent, they must inform the Principal within the first ive minutes from the commencement of the period, for further arrangement.

“The best combination of parents, consists of a father who is gentle beneath his firmness, and a mother who is firm beneath her gentleness” – Sydney J. Harris

  1. Parents are requested to send their children neat and tidy and see that the children are punctual to the school.
  2. Parents are expected to participate in all activities of the school, especially the Parent Teacher Association, to help the upliftment to the school.
  3. Parents are also expected to co-operate with the school management and staff regarding discipline and studies.
  4. Parents are asked to take special attention at the start of the academic year itself. Parent signature in the progress card is a must after every test and examination.
  5. The Parents are expected to meet the Principal or class teacher if the child’s progress is not satisfactory.
  6. Parents co-operation with the school management and staff regarding discipline and regularity in home work will be highly appreciated.
  7. Students including L.K.G. are asked to bring lunch to the school and they can take their lunch in the school premises. Kindly send the lunch kit with all necessary things in it.
  8. Parents are advised to meet the teacher concerned on any day to discuss about the progress of the students from 4.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
  9. The progress of the students depends on the co-operation of the teacher and parent. Hence the parent or guardian are requested to refer the Hand Book of their children regularly and make them to do their homework daily.
  10. All matters related to the school discipline and all enquires have to be made in the office of the Principal during office hours.
  1. In order to acquire fluency in English all the students must speak only English in the school premises.
  2. Students are expected to be present for the daily assembly.
  3. It is compulsory for every student to come to school in full uniform with prescribed foot wear.
  4. Storybooks, newspapers or periodicals should not be brought to school without the consent of the school authorities.
  5. Students are forbidden to play, shout or run about in the class rooms and verandahs.
  6. Students must help to keep the school premises clean and tidy. It is strictly forbidden to write or scratch on the school walls, furniture and black board. Waste papers, peels and seeds of fruits must be thrown in the waste bins provided. Students who damage school property must replace the damage.
  7. No gifts or donations to the teachers are allowed.
  8. No student is allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal.
  9. No collection is to be made without the approval of the Principal.
  10. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, negligence of work, cheating, disobedience or disrespect towards teaching and non-teaching staff, or bad moral influence upon other children – all justify dismissal from the school. Students are responsible for their conduct within and outside the school.
  11. Courtesy, refined manners, good behavior are all to be maintained by the efforts of parents and teachers in harmony. A spirit of loyalty and gratitude should be cultivated at home; a spirit of generous involvement and dedication to the ideals of the school should be the aim of the parents and students.
  12. Students are expected to participate in all the activities of the school.
  13. Slip test will be given every day. Cyclic tests will be conducted weekly.
  14. The permission of the principal is required for any student activity such as parties, picnics, excursions, class-organizations etc.
  15. Forging parent’s signature or altering marks and grades will be viewed seriously.
  16. Students must be modest in their dress code even on special occasions.
  17. Students must produce leave letter when they go on leave.
  18. More than a week’s absence should be followed by a Medical Certificate.
  19. Students are asked not to bring junk food.
  20. Students should form a line and go moving from class to class or to the playground or anywhere inside the school campus.
  21. Children suffering from infectious diseases will not be allowed to attend the classes.
  22. Boys should see to that their hairs are trimmed at regular intervals. Low hip pants are strictly forbidden, Trousers should be 2 inches above the knee.
  23. Students should strictly follow the dress code as recommended by the school authorities. Girls uniform should be 2 inches below the knee. Hair should be folded double and tied with a ribbon. [black for the regular uniform and white for the Monday and Friday uniform]
  24. Birthday students can wear coloured dress on their birthday. Please avoid sweets. Contribution of books to the school library will be highly appreciable.
  25. Students should wish their teachers both in and out of the school campus.
  26. Do not bring valuables of any kind to school. School will not be responsible for the loss. Costly jewels should not be wear to school.
  27. Two wheelers are strictly prohibited for students except bicycle.
  28. The school gate will be closed at 9.00 a.m. in the morning and evening at 4.30 p.m.
  29. Don’t talk with strangers or any person, while travelling in public buses or in bus stops.
  30. Avoid using foul language in and out of the school premises.
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