Education is a life-long learning process. Learning happens all the time; not only in a pre-designated place called the school. It happens in the home, between home and school too. The home’s and school’s mission therefore is to provide a learning environment and opportunities to the children as the learners. These learners today will become great one day but the difficulty is to shape them. The teachers challenge the children and the children challenge the teachers in the process of empowerment. Later they are sent to promote the culture of life in the global village.
“When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts (Dalai Lama)”. Therefore we focus on 3D’s of each student. They are discovering, developing and drawing out the hidden talents and the magic lying dormant inside all of its students. Our vision is to promote the whole being and not a partial. We have got competent team of teachers for this purpose. They strive to focus on each and every child, monitor and mentor them, appreciate their achievement and encourage them to overcome their shortcomings.
The process of education is on-going, continuous the learning never stops and it is interplay among the three moments of context, thinking, feeling, acting. The evaluation among parents, students and teachers forms them. This formation is lead to transformation. Transformation of mind and hearts takes place here and it is seen in their openness to charity. Therefore the teachers approach the classroom as one does a temple. Teacher-student relationships take time to develop and deepen and need a climate of love and trust. This love and trust builds the environment of our campus. Therefore our students learn to relate freely but responsibly because freedom and responsibility are the eyes of our education system and of the institute.
“Education is like a perfume, which can’t be sprayed on others before getting few drops on yourself (to know whether it smells good or not)”